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Don’t ignore the leaflet that accompanies your Painkillers

Written by Girish Khera on

The list of cautions may save you from disorders ranging from bleeding to heart attacks! 
Painkillers dosage and warnings

Image Source: Pixabay


Many people take anti-inflammatory medications for almost all types of painful conditions as they are highly effective, low cost therapy. In most cases, a short course taken appropriately causes very minor to no side-effects, and the benefit usually far outweighs the potential risks. However, sometimes serious adverse side effects can occur.

Why do drugs come with recommended dosages and warnings?

Aspirin has heart-bolstering effects in low doses, but prolonged, high doses can lead to life-threatening, bleeding stomach ulcers, kidney damage, and hearing loss. And although acetaminophen (Tylenol) hasn’t been shown to have the heart or gastrointestinal concerns of NSAIDs, if overused or combined with alcohol, it can harm the liver.

A seemingly harmless dose of Motrin, Aleve or Advil could be increasing your risk of deadly heart attack – a high price to pay in the quest to ease a headache!

A history of heart disease is a major risk factor which must be considered before going for over the counter NSAIDs as they could potentially raise the chances of cardiovascular problems, increase blood pressure, and even counteract the preventive effects of aspirin. However, exceptions always exist. Because NSAIDs are so effective, cardiologists often give a consent to their consumption even to the high-risk heart patients (under vigilance, of course), to resolve the intense pain of diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis.

For a flipside, Read: Acetaminophen: Pregnancy Caution?
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